The Space of The People

In Adaptation

Postcolonial cultural scholar, Homi K. Bhabha, describes community as existing between historical and political traditions of the past and the narratives we create for ourselves in the present. He calls this concept of community a “liminal space of the people" — a space and a community that exists in the tensions between our past and present. 

In co-directing Kaitlyn Riordan’s masterful adaptation of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, I think we have made such a space for community; an ensemble of engaged collaborators animating this lively, provocative re-visioning of Shakespeare’s play that many of us first encountered, long ago, in a classroom setting. The tension and pleasure of finding the best way to bring to life this provocative re-telling of an old story has helped me re-discover community in theatre-making, as well as the beauty and value of the original.

I am indebted – more than I can share here – to the talented, generous and wise guidance of my collaborators in this project.




Carried Away on The Crest of a Wave